A burgeoning hope. A brutal realization. A hardened heart.
In the heat of the moment, Yeonwoo confessed his love. Instead of the disgust and reproach he expected to receive, however, Keith responded with quiet tenderness. As a result, their relationship deepens… but not all that glitters is gold.
When Yeonwoo falls ill, their passionate encounters come to a temporary stop, leading to a heartbreaking discovery regarding Keith's true feelings. Hurt over the man's behavior, Yeonwoo distances himself immediately. However, Keith's shallow affections prove to run deeper than either of them expected.
What happens when Keith visits Yeonwoo one night in a fit of desperation, and what of the mark Yeonwoo leaves upon him in anguished retaliation? How will Yeonwoo bear the consequences, especially after discovering that Keith doesn't remember that night at all?
In a last-ditch effort to leave this mercurial alpha, Yeonwoo spins lie after lie, but Keith is determined to tie Yeonwoo to him regardless of the means. This does not bode well for Yeonwoo's heart—or health. Can he escape cleanly, or will Keith drag him back for good, lies be damned?
How much can one endure for love?