The book contains no less than 11 chapters in which a variety of experts share their state-of-the-art insights regarding specific domains of socio-economic life. As such, the book deals with topics that are at present fully under debate in societies, such as student credit and the dangers it entails, crypto-currencies and how the law tries to regulate this basically privatelaw instrument, groups of companies under Belgian (company) law, a proposal for improving the international monetary system, and seeds and intellectual property rights, besides various other similar themes.
The book forms the latest volume of the book series Economic and Financial Law & Policy - Shifting Insights & Values, and fully complies with the series' goal of critically exa-mining the legal methods and mechanisms that shape the global free markets and proposing alternatives to them. The book will hereby prove a valuable instru-ment for all researchers investigating these matters, besides policymakers and their ad-visers as well as all lawyers active in the field of economic law who look for a new per-spective on the subject matters dealt with.