See below for English description.
Les pal?ontologues ont trouv? de nombreux fossiles de dinosaures dans le sol canadien. Leurs recherches ont procur? au monde entier de nouveaux renseignements sur ces myst?rieuses b?tes qui vivaient sur Terre. Ce livre informatif bien illustr? offrira aux jeunes un bon aper?u de la riche histoire des dinosaures au Canada. Ils apprendront notamment sur l'Albertosaure, l'Edmontosaure, le Lambeosaure, le St?gosaure et le Tric?ratops.
Children will always be fascinated by dinosaurs, and now Scholastic's Canada Close Up series offers them a glimpse of the history of dinosaurs in Canada. From the Albertosaurus to the Tyrannosaurus, palaeontologists have found Canada to be a rich source of dinosaur fossils, providing the world with further clues about the mysterious beasts that used to inhabit the Earth. This exploration of the Canadian aspect will help young dinosaur lovers get excited about fossils found close to home!
Original title: Canada Close Up: Dinosaurs