As with almost every other part of our daily lives, information technology is now indispensable in the legal sphere. The variety of applications has grown, keeping pace with developments in the wider field of artificial intelligence: logic and argument have been joined by statistical methods and data, and knowledge engineering has been enriched by machine learning.
This book presents the papers delivered at the 29th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2016, held in Nice, France, in December 2016. From the 56 submissions received for the conference, 11 were selected for publication as full papers, 10 as short papers, and 10 as posters, which are included in the proceedings for the first time. The papers address a wide range of topics at the interface of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Law, such as argumentation, norms and evidence, network science, information retrieval, and natural language processing. Many of the theories and technologies explored in the papers are drawn from real-life materials, including cases brought before the European Court of Human Rights, Dutch and Greek legal texts, and international investment agreements and contracts.
Reflecting the many facets and the interdisciplinary character of AI and Law, the book will be of interest to all those whose work involves them in these fields.