Little Bear Dover's Train Adventure
Show your children the excitement of adventures.
Little Bear Dover loves adventures but can be shy and nervous about going on them. Will an adventure-filled day help him overcome his timidness?
Perfect for early readers, this children's storybook teaches your children:
Adventures aren't as scary as they seem It's exciting to do things you haven't done before The importance of friendshipLittle Bear Dover's Train Adventure is a wonderful bedtime story for all ages that's told through rhyming verses and colorful illustrations. This storybook helps you develop your child's reading skills in a fun and exciting adventure.
Little Bear Dover's Pirate Adventure
Teach your children how their imagination can be a fun adventure, too.
When Little Bear Dover has his friends over to play, they use their imagination to create an adventure of their own.
Perfect for early readers, this children's storybook teaches your children:
To be creative and use their imagination Adventures can be had anywhere Even imagined adventures can be exciting The importance of friendshipLittle Bear Dover's Pirate Adventure is a wonderful bedtime story for all ages that's told through rhyming verses and colorful illustrations. This storybook helps you develop your child's reading skills in a fun and exciting adventure.
Little Bear Dover's Adventure in the Sky
Teach your children to overcome their fears.
Little Bear Dover and his friends are nervous about going up in a hot air balloon. Can they overcome their fears and have a wonderful adventure?
Perfect for early readers, this children's storybook teaches your children:
Adventures are fun and exciting, even if they seem scary To overcome their fears and have a good time The importance of friendshipLittle Bear Dover's Adventure in the Sky is a wonderful bedtime story for all ages that's told through rhyming verses and colorful illustrations. This storybook helps you develop your child's reading skills in a fun and exciting adventure.
Little Bear Dover's Camping Adventure
Show your children that they can be brave.
Little Bear Dover and his friend, Joey the Bear, have an exciting camping adventure with Dover's Dad – until they hear a loud noise. Will Dover and Joey be brave and find what's making the noise?
Perfect for early readers, this children's storybook teaches your children:
To be brave That camping is fun To connect with nature The importance of friendshipLittle Bear Dover's Camping Adventure is a wonderful bedtime story for all ages that's told through rhyming verses and colorful illustrations. This storybook helps you develop your child's reading skills in a fun and exciting adventure.