Love, Live, Light is a poetry book that enlightens you in all aspects
of live, especially aspects which outweigh our century... Love as sweet
& bitter as it can be... but Live to hold on unto, no matter how deep
the creek you fell in... and Light your source of stimulation, the one of
endurance (hope) and benefits in your new stand point...
A lot more are selfish, many others egoistic, what about the rest?
Life treats many people fairly with much love, luck and label. But what
do they do with it? Some waste it all while others struggle to preserve
it. So many more, perish in natural disasters, but yet kneel down before
their God to call upon help which they receive? Within this book,
you'll come across all social status, the sweet parts of it, as well as the
bitter parts... what we expect best, is what cracks up from our life
cycle - a direct result of our lives...