Written as a true crime memoir, Luggage By Kroger is a unique, genre-crossing tale that blends memoir with mystery, legal procedural, and psycho-thriller. Fatal Attraction meets Angela's Ashes as a former Houston newspaper reporter recounts a pivotal year centered on his dangerous affair with one of the most intriguing femmes fatales of American crime. Forewarned of the dangers but unable to resist, he still dives into a torrid relationship that takes him to a new level of self-awareness and revelation as he becomes her target while trying to protect his estranged wife and their two daughters from the violence they all know is set to explode.
Told with self-deprecating humor and high-octane drama, Luggage By Kroger pulls no punches in finally sharing the inside story that forced him onto the talk-show circuit in the late 1980s as the poster boy for true-life fatal attractions with Oprah, Regis and Sally. It's a story that twice has seen life as television docudrama. But the intimate details have remained under the radar since they occurred in 1979-80. As he says in his dedication, this book is written partially for all those who "kept me out late in bars demanding more."