Opposites attract. A fledgling vampire needs a seasoned mentor to help him hone his homicidal instincts. The scent of blood is both an incentive for murder, and a potent aphrodisiac...
In the present, rock star Raiden and his reluctant sidekick, celebrity actor Gabriel Colin, encounter various challenges while attempting to conceal their criminal activities. Their shared proclivities provide fodder for the potential formation of a bond beyond necessity.
Stalking humans to satisfy Raiden's need for blood is a means to an end-but who provided the blueprint for his methodology? Snapshots of the singer's past reveal further details of his transformation; and once again bring him face to face with Justus, the master vampire who orchestrated his fiancée's demise.
Amid two timelines, the tension between maker and creation intensifies, exploding into degenerate violence-and surprising passion.
Genres: LGBTQ/Horror/Dark Fantasy/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Undead
MASTER is intended for adults only. It contains graphic violence and gore, explicit sexual situations including rape and sexual assault, substance abuse, strong language, and other material readers may find objectionable. Reader discretion is advised.
Editor: Beth Dorward
Cover artist: George Cotronis