Here’s CHIP HARRISON—the second series character created by Lawrence Block, bestselling author of A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES...
How can a series predicated on the hero’s sexual innocence survive past a second book? How can our Chip remain the same age forever? Simple, Block decided, and put our Lecher in the Wry to work for a private detective, the remarkable Leo Haig. Haig believes that Nero Wolfe really exists, and that if he distinguishes himself professionally he may one day be invited to dine at the Great Man’s table. And Chip hires on as Haig’s eyes and ears—if not his nose and throat. MAKE OUT WITH MURDER is at once a tightly plotted murder mystery, a Nero Wolfe pastiche, and a wildly funny and erotic romp featuring five beautiful sisters and some rare coins. Trust me, you’ll love it.