INTRODUCTION Organizations are influenced by the internal and external environments to which they are constantly exposed at any one time. Organizations are, in truth, extremely complex entities. They inevitably include the mediating impact of previous experience as well as the meeting of present and future. With the creation of corporate survival and growth requirements, as well as the ever-changing socio-political and economic environment, connection with organizations is essential. Organizations must maintain a balance between their internal and external environments in this situation. Exogenous forces are those that come from outside the body. Beliefs, values, expectations, perceptions, attitudes, interacting groups, morale, involvement, satisfaction, policies, and organization are all part of the internal environment. Managers must choose which of these individual and organizational goals they can achieve through their efforts. Managerial efforts can be used to effectively propel internal environmental forces. In today's environment, management styles provide avenues, possibilities, and opportunities for achieving an organization's chosen, selfimposed goals. The requirements or objectives of an organization are frequently socially conditioned. Taking all of these factors into account, it is reasonable to conclude that style plays a significant role in companies and psychologists' efforts to unravel the mysteries and complexity. The human resource plays a significant role in the growth of technology and the stimulation of production. This facet needs to be recognised delicately with a distant vision into the future implications, in the early 21th century, the industrial sector had its eye set on production alone and showed utter disregard for " Man behind the Machine ", this trend continued until Taylor and Gilberth showed the industrial world that production could only be increased by many folds if due care is taken, this trend continued until such time, Taylor and Gilberth showed the industrial world that production could only be increased by many folds if due care is taken Over the last 30 years, this prescription has acquired traction to the point where it may now be considered conventional wisdom. While it is possible to wish for this since working people are treated with consideration, development, and respect. It could also be,