Although the nature of service delivery varies significantly from profession to profession, the way the service is delivered tends to be fairly consistent among professions--or, at least, it should be. A step-by-step guide, Managing Professional Service Delivery--9 Rules for Success describes in detail how to achieve the internal discipline and control necessary to manage professional service engagements and long-term success in the professional services industry. It details engagement-tested methods for success at every step in delivering a professional service and includes real-life examples from a number of professional service organizations.
Here's What You Get:
The authors draw on their many years of experience in the field of management science to lay out procedures, tools, and techniques that address each step of the life cycle of an engagement--from definition of the services to be delivered, to evaluation of the results with the client. They take a back-to-basics approach that can be used in any size organization, from a sole practitioner to a firm of up to 75 practitioners and support staff as well as larger firms that also may be experiencing sustainability issues with their process improvement initiatives. The book guides you--starting with the 9 Rules--through the maze of obstacles in delivering your professional service.