Managing projects in HR, Training and Development is an essential handbook for both operational staff and senior human resource managers and covers all aspects of project management. The book examines how to carry out an effective project intended to make an improvement in a context where human resources, training and development are central concerns. This includes workplaces, universities, colleges, training and development organizations.
The book introduces a framework of techniques and processes that provide practical tools and approaches and there are numerous examples that demonstrate how these tools can be used and applied to achieve change and improvement. Each chapter discusses an aspect of project management and includes examples drawn from human resource, training and development settings. Techniques are introduced and applied to examples and there are 'pauses for thought' to encourage the reader to think ideas through. The book also puts an emphasis on structured learning from experience and critical reflection. This practical and thoughtful approach provides an ideal guide for anyone who takes responsibility for leading, managing, supervising or contributing to a project in this area of work.