Caryssa climbs the corporate ladder of Silicon Valley, driven by power and money. The tech-hub capital is in the palm of her hands, until she brings a child into the world and nothing is about herself anymore. She sees the techno-crazed connection to modern society becoming like that dystopian sci-fi played out in the movies.
Surrounded by parents turning inward to truth and empathy, each are faced with thorny moral choices while attempting to positively impact lives. They find themselves trying to balance out the reality and spiritual costs of American politics. For Parisian artist Anna, this means opening her heart to the boy who fatally struck her daughter in a skateboarding accident.
Echoed along the way is a startling awareness of a harsh culture of irrelevant revenge---ours--- mindlessly threatening to squander all that is dear to us. Behind the cultural culprits lurk the politicians, business and religious leaders wearing deceiving character masks of noble cause.
This culture shock sends the parents on a stirring of their collective conscience, bringing them to understand the ache of late America. It motivates them to take affirmative action for the greater good and secure a better future for all that matters most---especially their children.
And how might a baffling bloody dove found behind a Sausalito art gallery possibly be symbolic of secret society behind a spread of tyranny, away from world peace?