If You Have Ever Wondered If Having A Massage Does Not Only Make You Feel Good But There Is Much More To It Such As Dealing With A Lot Of Health Issues, And If You Have Ever Wished To Have A Thorough Overview Of Western and Eastern Massage Therapies And Their Different Approaches Without Feeling Completely Overwhelmed, Read On…
Have you ever wondered why massage therapies increased so much in popularity in the last two decades? Have you ever considered having massage therapy because you felt the academic medicine has failed to offer you long-term pain relief? Have you ever wished to be taken by your hand on a tour giving you a thorough overview of Western and Eastern massage therapies without getting lost in this labyrinth? Did you know that massage therapies can treat many health issues that you might have never given a second thought to? Did you ever question if massage therapies are completely risk-free or if some groups of people should better avoid it?If so, then "Massage Bible – A Beginners Guide to Western and Eastern Massage Therapy" is your YOU because it is published by a fitness instructor who is accredited by the German Olympic Committee.
Imagine that taking massage therapies does not only make you feel good but can even improve your health dramatically because massage is not just a "make you feel good" experience but there is MUCH more to it!
Why This Book Is Different!
This book is different because it is informative, easy to understand, and concise taking you on a tour of the varieties of massage therapies, their philosophies, and their therapy goals while pointing out the difference between Western and Eastern massage therapies and their approaches.
You'll soon discover...
…and a lot more!
If You Have Ever Wondered If Having A Massage Does Not Only Make You Feel Good But There Is Much More To It Such As Dealing With A Lot Of Health Issues, And If You Have Ever Wished To Have A Thorough Overview Of Western and Eastern Massage Therapies And Their Different Approaches Without Feeling Completely Overwhelmed, Scroll UP and Add to Cart Now!...