In the field offundamental physics the author reaches the revolutionary conclusion thatphysics can be viewed and studied as logic in a fundamental sense, ascompared with Einstein's view of physics as space-time geometry. This opensnew, exciting prospects for the study of fundamental interactions. Aformulation of logic in terms of matrix operators and logic vector spacesallows the author to tackle for the first time the intractable problem ofcognition in a scientific manner. In the same way as the findings ofHeisenberg and Dirac in the 1930s provided a conceptual and mathematicalfoundation for quantum physics, matrix operator logic supports an importantbreakthrough in the study of the physics of the mind, which is interpretedas a fractal of quantum mechanics. Introducing a concept of logic quantumnumbers, the author concludes that the problem of logic and theintelligence code in general can be effectively formulated as eigenvalueproblems similar to those of theoretical physics. With this important leapforward in the study of the mechanism of mind, the author concludes thatthe latter cannot be fully understood either within classical or quantumnotions. A higher-order covariant theory is required to accommodate thefundamental effect of high-level intelligence. The landmark resultsobtained by the author will have implications and repercussions for thevery foundations of science as a whole. Moreover, Stern's Matrix Logic issuitable for a broad spectrum of practical applications in contemporarytechnologies.