Unleash the Power of Words to Sell
It's easier to attract potential customers and persuade them to buy when you understand your audience and respect the nuances of language. Discover how to select tone, details, imagery, numbers, facts, verb tenses, punctuation, pronouns and more to create rapport and inspire an opt-in, an inquiry or a sale.
Whether you're an aspiring copywriter, a write-it-yourself business owner or a product manager hunting for a competitive edge, you'll want to devour veteran wordsmith Marcia Yudkin's advice on strategies that sell. Vivid examples and vignettes from research studies illustrate her tips.
Marcia Yudkin is the author of 6 Steps to Free Publicity, now in its third edition, and 11 other books.
"There are few genuine thought leaders in the field of copywriting. Marcia Yudkin is one of them. The strategies she presents in Meatier Marketing Copy are all easy to understand and implement, yet profoundly insightful. If you want to write marketing copy that sizzles and sells, this book is a must-read." - Steve Slaunwhite, Author, Start & Run a Copywriting Business, Co-Author, The Wealthy Freelancer
"Marcia Yudkin is a genius at writing copy that gets read and makes sales. This brilliant book reveals her proven secrets, tips, tricks and more. I have 30 years experience as a copywriter and found gems in here I didn't know or had forgotten. Read Meatier Marketing Copy - It's got the beef!" - Joe Vitale, Author, Hypnotic Writing, Buying Trances, Attract Money Now and many other books