The lives and dreadful deeds of 20 horrific medical serial killers, including:
Genene Jones: a truly monstrous paediatric nurse who murdered as many as 47 babies and children entrusted to her care.
Glennon Engleman:a rather unconventional dentist who moonlighted as a hitman and murder-for-profit killer.
Michael Swango: a deadly doctor who took genuine pleasure in poisoning his patients and colleagues. Killed at least 60 in an intercontinental murder spree.
The Lainz Angels of Death: four lethal nurses who turned the geriatric ward at an Austrian hospital into their private killing field.
Gwendolyn Graham & Cathy Wood: lesbian lovers who got their kicks by suffocating the elderly patients under their care.
Teet Haerm: police pathologist who spent his nights hunting prostitutes in Stockholm, Sweden. Haerm actually performed autopsies on many of the women he'd killed.
Orville Lynn Majors: an ICU nurse with a deep-seated hatred for his elderly patients, Majors is suspected of over 100 murders.
Kimberly Saenz: addicted to prescription drugs and with her life falling apart around her, Saenz struck out at helpless patients, injecting them with bleach.
Donald Harvey: dubbed the "Angel of Death," Harvey killed at least seventy hospital patients by suffocation, poisoning, drug overdoses and other methods.
Thomas Neill Cream: London's East End had barely recovered from Jack the Ripper when Dr. Cream arrived on the scene, dispensing agonizing death with his special little pills.
Plus 10 more sensational true crime cases….Scroll up and grab a copy.