Set in the near future, Melissa has brought peace and harmony on Earth. No one starves and everyone can enjoy life. Melissa is revered throughout the world and she is the first god to deserve it. Everyone worships Melissa; well almost everyone. Daniel, a chief executive and Harry, more like a 1960s Hell's Angel, are unlikely friends, yet united in their pursuit to find the true nature of Melissa.
The priesthood runs world affairs and acts more like a corporation than a religious order. The Priest Police, or PPs, take direction from Melissa's intelligence network and seem to be aware of the little remaining crime before it's committed. Offenders are helped to rehabilitate and only in extreme cases are they sent for genetic correction. There are no prisons in C-five.
Harry's world revolves around his motorbike, beer and the Sceptics, the small obscure group he founded, questioning the true nature of Melissa. Harry lives in a state owned apartment on a retirement pension from his Mars freighter days. His brain had been drilled by cosmic rays and it shows. His girlfriend Waz is equally odd with her strange accent and elfish looks. She tries to keep Harry in order but prefers to talk to animals, not humans. And, she knows things!
On the Moon, human colonists have adapted to the weak gravity and living indoors. After just a few generations Lunars couldn't see the point of going to Earth with its debilitating gravity and all that water! Peter, a descendant of the seventeen, enjoys privileged status. A young playboy, falling in love with Hannah, he flaunts the rules which inevitably leads to trouble.
Daniel so wants to understand Melissa, yet he is intrigued by her beauty and feels that he's fallen in love with her! He has made his fortune and could enjoy life to the full, but decides instead to risk all, even his life, in order to find the true nature of Melissa.