A Police Officer on a trail of a Serial Killer, whose investigations leads to the mysterious Saul Priest and astonishing revelations of a secret war being fought across Time and Dimensions, and Meta-Mercs Investigations (MMi), the crime-fighting team with extra-ordinary abilities that society discover that they desperately need...These are the stories and more that is Meta Worlds.
With a stunning and original painted cover art by the renowned, Award Winning Artist, Ciara McAvoy, who has won numerous awards for her work in the film industry, including five total Communicator Awards in 2015 for Filth, X-Men and Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, and interior illustrations by talented Comic-Book Artist, Creator and Writer of the British based Superhero Comic, Vanguard, Meta Worlds introduces a new type of storytelling for the Twenty-First Century. A new type of storytelling which can be best termed as Cine-Fiction.
In an age where the traditional book format has to compete with other diverse forms of entertainment, from the outset, Meta Worlds was designed to be 'read' like a film rather than a traditional book; with the aims of Meta Worlds' ongoing stories seeking to inspire a sense of wonder in its readers, whilst exploring the depths of the human condition with new characters, factions, heroes and anti-heroes just waiting to be discovered.
So, make sure to purchase your copy of Meta Worlds today and, with your invitation to the thrill and excitement of the unknown in your hands, buckle up and get ready for a new breed of Heroes, as well to explore spectacular, whole new worlds of Adventure...and beyond in META WORLDS.
META WORLDS was awarded a Gold Davey Award in the 'Design/Print -Promotional Covers (all inclusive)' category at the 13th Annual International Davey Awards 2017. Winners of the Davey Awards are selected and judged by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts (AIVA); an assembly of leading professionals from various disciplines of the visual arts, dedicated to embracing progress and the evolving nature of traditional and interactive media.