This guide book covers the « microlepidoptera », thus named due to their small size, traditionally classified in the Micropterigidae to Tortricidae families. The second volume on microlepidoptera (vol.8) will cover the Epipyropidae to Pterophoridae families. In practical terms, these two volumes will present all the families - sixty in total - that were not studied in the preceding volumes in the collection.
Given the plethora of species - and sometimes their very small size - I have had to be selective in terms of photography (which remains highly informative), directing readers wishing to take their research further to more specialist works.
Over 2,500 species are illustrated and described in detail, with a focus on their biology (plants on which they feed, their mines, cases, frequent biotopes, usual flight period and distribution). In some cases, I have illustrated the genitalia of the species in question.
Extensive and ongoing research into the phylogeny of Lepidoptera has had and continues to have a huge impact, and this needs to be taken into consideration whenever any piece of work is published.
I have also included the description of a new species of Tortricidae in this volume.
A very useful Field Guide for discovering the world of microlepidoptera !