Microsoft Exchange 2000 Infrastructure Design explains from a system designer's and administrator's perspective Microsoft's Active Directory and its interaction with Exchange 2000, details issues concerned with migration to Exchange 2000, and outlines the specific technology and design issues relating to connectivity with Exchange 2000. Readers will learn to use these technologies to seamlessly co-exist with their current environment, migrate to a native Exchange 2000 environment, and connect to the Internet as well as to other messaging systems. The book's blend of expert instruction and best practices will help any organization create optimal system designs and configurations to support different technical and business scenarios.
McCorry and Livengood are experts in Microsoft technologies from Compaq, the world's leading integrator of Exchange systems. In Microsoft Exchange 2000 Infrastructure Design, they spell out the key technologies, features, and techniques IT professionals must master to build a unified and robust Exchange 2000 messaging service. This book details the framework organizations must put in place to most effectively move to Exchange 2000.