Missy owns a small farm just outside the city, handed down from her parents after they passed away. One night a meteorite lands in her corn field and while interested, the ground is muddy from the day's rains. Since it is late, she decides to check it out the next day.
Once out at the site, Missy notices that the meteorite can be hauled back to her barn where she can get a better look at it. Quickly, Missy starts noticing some changes as her breasts grow larger turning her into a futa.
Once Missy gets a taste of her delicious breast milk, she gets an idea to help her farm. Bottling and selling her breast milk at the local farmer's market.
The new business is a hit with customers asking about a bonus plan with personal deliveries. Missy is more than happy to oblige now doing daily personalized deliveries of her moo milk to lucky men and women.