1. Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Historical Events
2. Molecular Spectroscopy Basics
2.1 Electronic versus ro-vibrational - molecular information available
2.2 Bandwidth broadening mechanisms
2.3 Hotband complications
3. Dynamic Compression Methods
3.1 Explosively driven flyers
3.2 Gas gun driven flyers
3.3 Kolsky bar
3.4 Ramp compression
3.5 Laser shock generation
3.5.1 Direct drive 3.5.2 Laser driven flyers 4. Electronic molecular spectroscopy
4.1 UV-visible emission
4.2 UV-visible absorption
5. Vibrational spectroscopy
5.1 Infrared absorption
5.1.1 Time resolved infrared spectral photography 5.1.2 Ultrashort laser methods 5.2 Raman
5.2.1 Stokes / anti-Stokes Raman temperature measurement 6. Coherent Raman methods
6.1 Stimulated Raman
6.1.1 Stimulated Raman temperature measurement 6.2 Inverse Raman
6.3 Coherent anti-Stokes Raman
6.4 Raman induced Kerr effect
6.5 Interference methods
7. X-ray methods
8. A look to the future