Visions of the Mont St Michel, a magic mountain in shadow
and light, at night, by day, in summer, in winter, non-stop.
Hollow pyramid, Tower of Babel, Heavenly Jerusalem,
gigantic parking lot, Jacob's ladder, the archangel's pied-à-terre,
historic monument, prison, fortress, basilica, alone
on the sand banks, before the tides, in the mists, its flanks
battered by tourists, pointing towards the constellations,
calling out to all the extra-terrestrials...
Visions of the Mont, scrutinised uncompromisingly, passionately,
by Jean-Loup Eve, architect and water-colourist, and
Alain Hervé, who wrote the text. What
emerges is one hell of a holy rock, the
Mont St Michel as never seen before,
familiar, angelic, humorous and sublime.