Your entire family can enjoy listening to this preserved collection of my writings from 1968-1975, from 7th grade to just after high school. Some are poems, some songs, some just thoughts with a rhythmic pattern. I believe these early writings helped me to develop an appreciation for the beauty and inspirational power of the English language and positively impacted my later books and writings. While revisiting these, I observed my use of liberal literary license and an active imagination. As I traversed through these pieces, after four decades, I noticed progressive improvement in my writing as I grew up and continued to learn, play, and experiment with the English language. In order for you to observe this transition, I have presented the pieces in chronological order. The original work remains preserved, either in my own handwriting, or in the imperfect typeface of a very old ribbon typewriter. Despite factual inaccuracies in some pieces, I minimized editing to preserve the integrity of the original writing. I now make a living teaching, speaking, writing, voice acting and coaching others to achieve success through leadership and personal branding. I bring a unique interdisciplinary perspective to any conference and my quotes, interviews, and citations appear in countless media and professional publications.
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