My Stem Day: Math explains how marvelous math is right behind a whole host of everyday activities.
What does it really mean when you give 100%? How does money work? Can you measure your volume while taking a bath? Mathematics, or math for short, is one of the four branches of STEM. It's the study of numbers, measurements and shapes-and a language that people from all over the world can understand. Math con be anything from working out the quantities of ingredients you need to bake a cake, displaying figures on a chart so you can compare them or working out how many dollars you need to pay for a new toy. This book, and the entire MY STEM DAY series, is packed with amazing challenges and do-at-home experiments with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions for the activities and bite-size text detailing scientific facts and stats. The series is endorsed by a leading STEM educational consultant Math is everywhere! From morning until night, we see numbers and measurements everywhere. We need math to cook, to travel on time, to build things and to play music. We use math to describe the world around us in quantities. p