You want to create a video game? Great!
You want to tell a story? Fantastic!
You want to create a video game that tells a story? What? Are you insane?!
I'm joking, kind of. You don't have to be insane to tell a good story through your Indie video game, but you do have to be out of your mind. What I mean is, you have to empty your brain of a whole bunch of stuff that Hollywood and Triple-As have told you about games and stories, and fill it up with stuff that's actually going to work on your teeny tiny budget.
Three Act structure? That's like trying to shove a giant triangle through a tiny circle.
Hero's Journey? Yup, that'll take you nowhere, fast.
Authorial Authority. Now you're just winding me up!
Whether you're an Indie developer or a narrative designer wanting to work in the Indie space, Narrative Design for Indies: Getting Started will take you through some tried and true techniques of Indie video game storytelling. Techniques that have been developed to blow minds rather than budgets.