Do you always get the "short end of the stick" in deals? Want to get more from life without giving up what you want?
Here's the thing...
None of us are born expert negotiators, & it's frightening to know just how much you're leaving on the table in your everyday dealings. Whether it's negotiating a pay rise at work, attaining the best price for that new car or simply getting more from your social interactions. People often fall short as they aren't equipped with the psychological & behavioral skills to do it successfully.
But the truth is... the "Art of Negotiation" can be learned by anyone!
James Daugherty is an intelligence expert & former Spy who specializes in all forms of human behavior. However, he never realized just how much his ability to negotiate high-level FBI hostage situations & key CIA informant agreements would help the average person in civilian life.
In this insightful and functional book, you will discover:
... and much more.
Negotiation is a mixture of systematic methods combined with first-hand examples to back up the author's advice. The clever communication tools will help you in all areas of life from career, finance, relationships and everything in between. Even if you've tried & failed with negotiation tactics in the past!