After a devastating attack on Earth Admiral Kosciusko takes his son Nikolai with him on a quest to a new timeline further into the past. His goal is to prevent the destruction of Earth in as many other timelines as possible. The Admiral has decided to recruit the best possible help to start a new fleet, who else would he recruit but Napoleon?
His son Nikolai has been raised with all the advantages and training the son of a powerful Admiral might receive, but he is pretty spoiled. Over his own series Nikolai straightens out and deals with his own adventures and setbacks in the early 19th century.
Author's note - Three chapters from Tau Past - Winter provide a bridge between the end of that series and the start of this new series. That's about 4000 words out of 80,000, so I hope my dear readers don't feel cheated. I tried to come up with a synopsis to explain Nikolai's complicated relationship with his father and the events preceding their expedition, it seems more appropriate to do it this way.