You asked for it.
A fart is a fart is a fart. Unless it's a wet one. Have you ever left a wet fart and wondered how you could hide the stain on the butt of your pants? What if you was in school and left it in homeroom with an entire day to go? Not good.
Billy Belcher wasn't sure he was going to like going to intermediate school. He and his friends would no longer be the big boys on campus like they were in grade school.
But the day began like most school days with he and his friends sitting in a group in homeroom. Farting contests were normal for them and Bill left a huge one.
The problem was . . . let's hear it as Billy describes it.
"That sucker was loud and smelly. It would have been my best fart ever except for one problem. I felt the liquid seeping out into my underpants. Now anyone who has ever left a fart knows that is not a good thing."
That fart would set a chain of events that threatened to ruin Billy for life. At least that's how he saw things. How do you cover up a wet fart? They have a tendency to stain.
Billy panics and makes choices that eventually land him in a heap of trouble. Can he get himself out of it and save face?