Greg Lanier Presents a Simple Method for Studying Old Testament Citations in the New Testament
Many Bible readers have difficulty understanding the Old Testament's connection to the New Testament, and some even believe it's obsolete in light of God's new covenant. In reality, New Testament writers alluded to earlier books of the Bible roughly 300-400 times. The Old Testament isn't outdated; it's critical to understanding the rest of Scripture.
In Old Made New, Greg Lanier explains how New Testament authors used the Old Testament to communicate the gospel and present the person and work of Jesus. He also explains what the Old Testament teaches Christians today about the church's identity and ethics. Writing for a broad range of readers, Lanier distills thorough research into simple, descriptive examples and tips. His 3-step method explains how to identify and explore an Old Testament passage and see how it's "remixed" in the New Testament to thoughtfully engage with Scripture.