Money, finances and all the things associated with those two words may scare you, may intimidate you or they simply may be unimportant to you. One thing I do know is that those two words should be important to you and the success you want in your life. "Green" may not make the world go around, but it sure cushions the ride. This book is finances made simple so that it does not intimidate you. Once you understand something, it has less power over you but because knowledge is power. Starting with organizing the income that your household generates into a workable budget scheme should take priority. This book gives ideas and some direction to do just that.
This is the first of 3 books about various aspects of financial planning so that your life works better for you. On Track for Success in Finances is an introductory in nature to concepts that will be discussed in more detail in the other 2 books. So consider this a series that should be a permanent fixture in your library.