The highly anticipated conclusion to Rumiko Takahashi's classic series One-Pound Gospel. Years in the making...
While Kosaku's eternal struggle with his weight wages on, a meddling aunt tricks Sister Angela into paying a visit to her family, but is this all just a ruse to set the lovely sister up with an eligible young chef? Later, Kosaku's dedication is put to the ultimate test when he's given the option of pursuing a career in the restaurant business and retiring from the world of pugilism for good. And finally, Sister Angela's aunt outdoes herself by racking up an exorbitant bill at a host club and leaving her niece holding the bag. Kosaku vows to defend Angela's honor by challenging the dashing host to a title match, but will Angela defy the Mother Abbess and break her curfew to be at Kosaku's side? It's time for the final round to begin!
Kosaku is a professional boxer whose constantly fluctuating weight, and inability to abstain from hearty food, is the bane of his coach's existence. Sister Angela is a young, dedicated and fairly naive nun who catches Kosaku's eye. Can her faith redeem Kosaku's gluttony?