The GingerGM (Simon Williams) is back and is keen to show you how to dismantle players who open 1 e4. This book features a complete repertoire, based on meeting 1 e4 with 1...e5, that enables you to cope with all White's possible tries. These vary from the traditional Ruy Lopez and Italian Game to the wild and wacky gambits such as the Danish Gambit, the King's Gambit and the Vienna Gambit.
This is a repertoire that is designed for ambitious players who want to neutralise their opponent's favourite lines with lesser-known but perfectly playable responses. Many players are put off playing 1 e4 e5 as White has so many aggressive and tricky gambits. This repertoire focuses on taking the fight back to White by drawing the fangs from these lines, often with well-timed counter-gambits.
* A complete repertoire after 1 e4 e5.
* Easy-to-learn systems with a minimum of theory.
* All key variations analysed in detail.