Market volatility is at a record high, which has investors running scared. You don't have to be one of them.Whether your goal is to protect your money in a downturn or profit handsomely from an upturn, trading options is theanswer.
Options DeMYSTiFieD reveals why today's smartestinvestors rely on the versatility of the optionsmarketplace--and how you can, too! With its quick, snappy explanations and easy-to-understand examples, it provides the knowledge you need to start trading options like a pro in no time. Chapterending quizzes and a final exam round out Options DeMYSTiFieD into a comprehensive self-teaching guide that allows you to learn at your own pace.
This fast and easy guide has everything you need to:
Simple enough for a beginner but challenging enough for an advanced trader, Options DeMYSTiFieD haswhat you need to build a solid foundation in options trading.