A lot of individuals are launching their careers in Option Trading. They join chatrooms, participate in various classes, and start trading in real accounts or simulators. They enter Option Trading with all kinds of different expectations. Why don't you try to enter a road that will lead you to greater heights of life? I'm referring to Option Trading. If you want to know more, keep reading...
Trading is a career and a business. It is the right time for you to get another source of income and catch a once in a lifetime chance of being a successful trader and a businessman.
Basically, what you will learn in this book are the answers to three vital questions:
That's the first and most fundamental question: "Is it for you or is it not?"
And if it is for you, you need to know how to plan for it and understand that you have to let your trading business grow slowly.
This book covers the following topics:
And much more...
Many often ask if there is a guarantee that they will become a profitable trader. The answer is no, there is no guarantee for success. This is also true in all other careers and businesses. This is a common discussion I have almost every day with a new trader. They want to get into live trading as quickly as possible. In the summer of 2017, one trader emailed me and explained he had experienced some heavy losses and wanting my advice. His sister had given him my first book as an early birthday gift. I did not know him before, and I had no idea what he was doing, but I urgently asked him to stop trading with real money and switch to a simulator so we could get to work on figuring out his problems.
Your job as a trader is to find those patterns and then execute good trades that are based on them. Sometimes you will recognize an opportunity, but if you decide to invest too much, you could lose money. Or, if you hesitate a little bit and get a bad entry, you could also lose money. This means that recognizing trade patterns is important, but the execution is equally important.
The bottom line is that although the market is random, it is possible to make consistent money from it. However, you need to be prepared for the unforeseen in the market. When you enter a trade, there is a possibility that the trade will go against you. That is why you must use stop losses and exit losing trades. This is the confusing part for many people. They do not know how to accept a loss, but they still believe the fact that making money in the market is possible! Be good at Options Trading through this book, learn and apply the trading strategies. Let's make it happen!
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