Volume two of a series of four plays written by Pam Gems. Betty's Wonderful Christmas, The Socialists, Guinevere and Ethel.
Betty's Wonderful Christmas was my first stage play. The setting is a small country town between the two World
Wars, when living was still harsh for many people; the Salvation Army providing the only loving support for many in real distress.
The Socialists - a play set in two eras: the revolutionary Seventies, and the reactionary' Eighties. Has been compared to Dostoeyevsky's The Devils.
There has never been a Guinevere like Maggie Jordan who mercilessly berates that arch-chauvinist Arthur, and
brings woman's lib to Camelot. Pam Gems's new play inventively harnesses the legend and has Guinevere pouring out her feelings of desperation and frustration at being treated as chattel by the uncomprehending Arthur, played by Sean McCarthy.
Ethel - An amusing play with songs about the American singer, Ethel Merman. A musical play in two acts - Based on a true story
"We had Ethel Merman on the show and, afterwards, nobody could hear for a week."