This book is full of paradoxes, which are what give life its purpose. Stated differently, paradoxes and contradictions are a part of life. There are seldom any simple answers to the majority of questions in life. Just as there is no such thing as the wrong answer, there is also no such thing as the wrong question. All questions are flawless, and all responses—even if they don't apply to you—are accurate. As a result, don't try to dispute any answer; if you're not satisfied, try again with another answer.
There are endless questions, and the truth is that none of them can have a perfect fit for all answers.
As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, I can assist you in finding the answers to the majority of your life's questions with your cooperation. However, this journey is not for the timid. I promise you are about to embark on your enchanted trip if you are honest and open-minded.