Philosophical-Occult periodical. This issue has been inspired by the life and works of the psychoanalyst/Marxist: Wilhelm Reich.
Essays Featured
The Orgone Accretion. (Graham Freestone)
Making Bion Packs. (Elytron Frass)
The Sexual Revolution Will be Subtle. (Pope Joan)
#Cloudbusting. (Sabeen Chaudhury)
Oranur or Reich's Folly. (German Sierra)
The King of Cyan. (Seranoga)
Lincoln's Orgone Accumulator: The Question Concerning Life and Architecture. (Marcin Mateusz Kołakowski & Doina Carter)
Student Projects.
Reich vs. Reich: Libininal Economy and the Hardline Subculture. (Brian Hughes)
The Reich Encounter. (Charlie Johns)