What is the difference between animal rights and animal welfare? What inspires people to take on the different causes of non-human animals? How do people vary in their views on the rights of animals? Students will be encouraged to think critically as they discover there are no black and white answers to these and other questions. This fascinating collection of profiles is written by and about those who are actively involved in the pro/con aspects of the animal rights and animal welfare movements.
Over 35 individual stories written by those who are on the frontlines, fighting for what they believe, bring the controversies surrounding animal rights and welfare into sharp focus. The same interview questions were asked of each participant. Readers will enjoy the personal element of these profiles, while discovering the similarities and differences among those involved in these movements. An introduction to the volume provides students with the definitions and background information they need to clearly understand the entries that follow and to encourage them to question what they read and to draw their own conclusions.