Enter the thrilling sequel to Vampire Mist!
Rhys Highridge should know better than to play with a cursed sword. But he doesn't, and now Tyrevane has disgorged its occupant. Reborn by the might of vampire mist, Wrenyvar, a half-giant nightmare, will stop at nothing to exterminate the human population of Sularil. Thankfully, Archmage Halla Haeron traps Wrenyvar in an experimental bubble of time, giving the B-Team a chance to grow in knowledge and power, recover the Banishing Blades, and find the courage to face this foe of their own making. Praise for the B-Team"Always my first second choice."
-Halla Haeron, Archmage of the Sularin League
"They eat all my food. Seriously, every time."
-Lord Sondal Day, Minister of League Affairs
Adam Thomas runs way too many Dungeons and Dragons games when he's not pastoring a church or writing fantasy novels. He lives in southeastern Connecticut with his spouse Leah and their twins. Learn more at adamthomas.net.