The lack of good statistical information had been a major factor in the poor planning of services for the mentally handicapped in the late 1960s. The principal object of this book was to provide an accurate factual basis for the planning of future services.
Originally published in 1972, this title is based on three years' extensive research and consists primarily of statistical studies rather than case studies. There is a survey of facilities provided by hospitals for the mentally handicapped and a sample survey of three Hospital Regions indicating the characteristics and disabilities of the mentally handicapped inpatients. Also included are two cohort studies, one of the subsequent experience of patients after their first admittance to a hospital, and one of the subsequent experience of all first referrals to a Local Authority service. Both studies were carried out to determine trends in the patterns of care. This was the first time that cohort techniques had been applied in this field in this country.
Since effective long-term planning depends upon the coordination of the work of Local Authorities and hospitals, it is unrealistic to divorce the need for hospital beds from community provision. This book, therefore, examined the present services for the mentally handicapped in the round. It is supplemented by an extensive bibliography and numerous tables and diagrams. As a result, it should be of particular interest to psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, hospital administrators, senior nursing staff and Local Authority social service administrators.
This book is a re-issue originally published in 1972. The language used is reflective of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.