Amid the stormy ups and downs, the tempestuous and fanciful flights of a real cri-ticism, the only lawful way in which serious honor can ever be conferred, this Book ar-gues that Jesus was and still is the great Artist of Eternal Salvation, with Eternal Sal-vation being Christ's real and authentic gift to all of us, the greatest Artist that His Own humble native Land ever pro-duced. This Book argues that Christ was an Artist just like Walt Whitman, that no one has a right to insult an Artist like Whitman as the Pharisees insulted Christ, that unless God Himself had intervened, giving Christ His Own unique honour, Our dear Lord could have gone to Hell because of the insult of the Pharisees. The honor that Jesus is the great Artist of Eternal Salvation is not simplistic and naïve, as certain factions would have made it out to be if Jesus had allowed it ... it is an extremely complex honor, requiring intelligent awareness of the scope and meaning of all other great honors when juxtaposed with Christ's, and merits this complex Book to be written about it. All I can say is read on and exhaust if you can all the implications of this rich and powerful argument created as it is from an Artist's point of view ...