Every action performed by a crime scene investigator has an underlying purpose: to both recover evidence and capture scene context. It is imperative that crime scene investigators must understand their mandate--not only as an essential function of their job but because they have the immense responsibility and duty to do so.
Practice Crime Scene Processing and Investigation, Third Edition provides the essential tools for what crime scene investigators need to know, what they need to do, and how to do it. As professionals, any investigator's master is the truth and only the truth. Professional ethics demands an absolute adherence to this mandate. When investigators can effectively seek, collect, and preserve information and evidence from the crime scene to the justice system--doing so without any agenda beyond seeking the truth-- not only are they carrying out the essential function and duty of their job, it also increases the likelihood that the ultimate goal of true justice will be served.
Richly illustrated--with more than 415 figures, including over 300 color photographs--the Third Edition of this best-seller thoroughly addresses the role of the crime scene investigator in the context of:
Coverage details the importance of maintaining objectivity, emphasizing that every action the crime scene investigator performs has an underlying purpose: to both recover evidence and capture scene context.
Key features:
Practice Crime Scene Processing and Investigation, Third Edition includes practical, proven methods to be used at any crime scene to ensure that evidence is preserved, admissible in court, and persuasive.
Course ancillaries including PowerPoint(R) lecture slides and a Test Bank are available with qualified course adoption.