You are designed to live expansively, but when the world presses in, it can feel like the only way to survive is to make yourself smaller. Such compromises, however, are always at the expense of your true identity.
Offering inspiring insights paired with affirmations on which you can meditate throughout the day, Practical Wisdom for Everyday Spirituality guides you to see who you are in all of your splendor. As you contemplate the motivational messages, you will discover your purpose and value and begin to experience a deep sense of satisfaction. Whether you read the book all at once or savor a page a day, you will find yourself returning to its wisdom again and again.
Are you ready to receive your life? Lift your face, stretch out your arms, and smile-you are beautiful and true, and goodness surrounds you. Embark on this adventure of self-discovery, and you will learn how to live authentically, love lavishly, and embrace the world with open arms. Let's begin.