Just when it seemed that life was getting back to normal, Alec’s boss called him in to send him on another mission. This time he was facing an alien artificial intelligence. The remnant of a long dead space civilization.
The thing was as big as a small planet and crawling with alien robots to boot. All Alec ever wanted to do was galactic exploration, while searching for alien civilizations. Well, now he was about to contact one.
He had an officer from the Japanese Navy along for the ride. She was fast, smart, and extremely lethal. They were both going to have to become some kind of space warriors.
Oh yeah, she was also his ex girlfriend. That is, until he ran out on her for no reason.
Now he had the alien machine and her to contend with. If he figured out what to do about the machine, it would be a miracle, but no miracle in the universe was going to protect him from Michiko.
To top that off her uncle was an Admiral as well as close friends with his boss. Things just couldn’t get any better than this.