The creation of magic gates shatters a fragile balance of power and brings the chaos of war.
The High King, Yhar'Harran ruled with an iron fist, but kept the powers of the world bound under his absolute control.
It has been almost a century since the High King was betrayed and murdered by the Bound Enchanters he controlled, his children slaughtered and the Harran dynasty brought to an abrupt end.
The Yhar'sharem control the core kingdom in Yhar'Harran's name and scour the lands for a surviving heir to take the power locked in the Crimson Throne and effect a restoration. The Unbound Enchanters have forged kingdoms of their own in an uneasy balance of power, abruptly rent asunder when Duke Castal creates gates which can transport troops anywhere in the world.
Clavis is ignorant of his heritage, a young and minor Enchanter, a mercenary drawn into the conflict, guided by the spirit of his father and completely unaware that he is suddenly to become the focus of attention for all the conflicting powers of the world.