A rapidly evolving global digital economy has facilitated the integration of new activities, like social networking, virtual gaming, and texting, into our everyday lives. It has also placed an economic premium on the gathering of personal information that has never before existed. These everyday activities are giving rise to different forms of invasion of privacy by other individuals and private business. Historically, the government has been seen as the major threat to the privacy rights of individuals; in the global digital economy, it is also important to take seriously privacy rights threats from the private sector of the economy.
This book maps the complex privacy protection landscape in Canada. Chapters address privacy rights and privacy protection, the mobilization of privacy rights in the context of social networking, the protection of children's privacy in virtual-world games, the threats of "smart" advertising, and the very current issue of cyberbullying and privacy.
What is social networking? What are virtual-world games? What is cyberbullying? How are the legal problems that these engender for privacy rights part of our everyday life? What can we do about them? How could strengthening paths to justice help? These are the questions the book seeks to answer. These themes will be of interest to lawyers, academics, political scientists, criminologists, and those with an interest in public policy, access to justice, international relations, and the relationship of law and society.