Pro JSF and HTML5 starts by giving you a firm grounding in the design principles of component-based frameworks and the basics of JSF. It then details recent advancements in JSF 2.2 that make it friendlier, faster, and more productive than ever before. And it covers HTML5-enabled components, integration with JEE7 standards, 3rd party component libraries, security, and performance. The book concludes with a real-world application that puts everything you learned into practice.
In this book you'll learn
Foundational JSF topics such as the component life cycle, framework architecture, managed beans and CDI, expression language, conversion and validation, JSF events and view parameters.
Leveraging new features in JSF 2.2 such as Faces Flow, Resource Library Contracts, and Ajax file uploading.
Developing Advanced HTML5 enabled components in JSF 2.2.
Creating JSF 2.2 applications that utilize Java EE 7 technologies (CDI, JPA 2.1 and EJB 3.2) for bean management, transaction management and persistence.
Building advanced real-world JSF applications with considerations for security, performance, and usability.
If you're a Java developer interested in the world of component-based frameworks, Pro JSF and HTML5 is for you.