475 basic words used on TOEFL, ESOL, SAT, ACT and GRE tests!
Also designed for easy learning for Home Schooling!
Additional 400 related words - nouns, verbs, and adjectives - with separate explanations or examples of using the words in sentences
Word origins -- to make it easier to remember the words ... and to build your vocabulary!
Many words are illustrated with caricatures!
Simple pronunciation shows how to pronounce the words
Each word is used in several sentences - to show various ways words can be used.
Sentences have clear and detailed punctuation - to help you learn English phrases and clauses.
Many sentences contain historical information - to make learning even more rewarding for you!
Famous Quotations by authors, scientists, and actors for all 475 words-- so you can see how famous people use the words you are learning!
Simple practice tests after every few words - to help you remember and use the words in a sentence.
Also - 100 common English phrases (Many illustrated with caricatures)
"My English Notes" in the back - blank pages to write down questions or words
Come in and see for yourself...